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docs:weekly-bsdpub-meeting-minutes-2024-04-25 [2024/04/17 18:58] gyptazydocs:weekly-bsdpub-meeting-minutes-2024-04-25 [2024/04/25 21:03] (current) – [Meeting Minutes] gyptazy
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 ==== Meeting Minutes ==== ==== Meeting Minutes ====
-TBD+Introduction (ideas behind this meeting, motivation)\\ 
 +* BoxyBSD (securing the service from being abused, authentication methods)\\ 
 +* BSD Cafe insights: How it had to deal with being abused\\ 
 +* Bringing more people into BSD (especially FreeBSD). How to provide more awareness\\ 
 +* Lacks of FreeBSD\\ 
 +* Potential software where already is being worked at for making things easier\\ 
 +* Upcoming new BSD Cafe services