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docs:weekly-bsdpub-meeting-minutes-2024-05-09 [2024/05/04 10:55] – created gyptazydocs:weekly-bsdpub-meeting-minutes-2024-05-09 [2024/05/23 15:20] (current) gyptazy
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 * BSDPub Session Recording & Publishing\\ * BSDPub Session Recording & Publishing\\
-* Current Progress of BoxyBSD (postponed to 2024-05-09)\\ +* Current Progress of BoxyBSD\\ 
-* Status of the new BSD Cafe git service\\ +* Status of the new BSD Cafe services\\ 
-* Status of Elixir/Phoenix\\ +* Status of Freedive (postponed to next week)
-* QualvoSec+
 ==== Meeting Minutes ==== ==== Meeting Minutes ====
-TBD+* BSDPub meetings will be recorded and shared on PeerTube and YouTube 
 +  * This meeting already got recorded 
 +* BoxyBSD insights and ideas \\ * Plans for ARM64 support \\ * Plans for IRC-V support (and why it won't happen in the near future) \\ * BSDCafe Services \\ * brew.bsd.cafe as a new GIT service got announced \\ * myip.bsd.cafe as a new service which returns the IP address of the client (e.g. DynDNS usage) \\ * Container / Jails / VMs \\ * Discussion about the current situation in FreeBSD \\ * Different Jail managers \\ * bhyve vs Proxmox \\ * bhyve in customer setups \\ * bhyve in jails (dependency management) \\ * bhyve control panels (bhyve-webadmin / BVCP) \\  \\ Recording: \\ FIXME