Trace: git

FreeBSD and Git

FreeBSD and Git

Well-known trees for The FreeBSD Project

Three main trees, each of which has a main branch:

  1. doc — FreeBSD Documentation Project (FDP)
  2. ports — the ports collection, where the main branch is also known as latest (an alternative to quarterly)
  3. src — FreeBSD base (kernel and world, the operating system), the main branch is for FreeBSD-CURRENT.


More branches

Well-known branches at the time of writing (March 2024) include:

Items in obscure areas include:

Complementary to the three main trees

Repos in GitHub include:

Additional information — FreshBSD (BSD commit log search) across four trees (doc, ports, poudriere, src)

Developers - FreeBSD Wiki

GitHub - FreeBSD Wiki

Ports/QuarterlyBranch - FreeBSD Wiki

FreeBSD Handbook: Using Git

docs/freebsd/git.txt · Last modified: 2024/03/11 00:24 by grahamperrin