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bsdcafe-technical-details [2024/11/17 08:49] stefanobsdcafe-technical-details [2024/11/17 08:49] (current) stefano
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 [[https://blendit.bsd.cafe|https://blendit.bsd.cafe]] is composed of two FreeBSD jails: one for PostgreSQL, and the other contains the rest (the frontend in Node and the backend in Rust). [[https://blendit.bsd.cafe|https://blendit.bsd.cafe]] is composed of two FreeBSD jails: one for PostgreSQL, and the other contains the rest (the frontend in Node and the backend in Rust).
-[[https://press.bsd.cafe|https://press.bsd.cafe]] is a FreeBSD jail running all the stack for Wallabag: nginx, php, postgresql, valkey+[[https://press.bsd.cafe|https://press.bsd.cafe]] is a FreeBSD jail running all the stack for Wallabag: nginx, php, postgresql, valkey.
 [[https://brew.bsd.cafe|https://brew.bsd.cafe]] is a FreeBSD jail running PostgreSQL, KeyDB and Forgejo. [[https://brew.bsd.cafe|https://brew.bsd.cafe]] is a FreeBSD jail running PostgreSQL, KeyDB and Forgejo.