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user:vanitarium [2024/03/06 12:04] vanitariumuser:vanitarium [2024/03/06 12:16] (current) vanitarium
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 I shall start posting my contributions as soon as I can. I shall start posting my contributions as soon as I can.
-Meanwhile I can tell you that I have this github repos : [[https://github.com/alfredo87/|https://github.com/alfredo87/]]+Meanwhile I can tell you that I have these github repos : [[https://github.com/alfredo87/|https://github.com/alfredo87/]]
 And here is an article in PCLinuxOS Magazine about how to set up a local repo for PCLinux: [[https://pclosmag.com/html/Issues/202010/page02.html|https://pclosmag.com/html/Issues/202010/page02.html]] And here is an article in PCLinuxOS Magazine about how to set up a local repo for PCLinux: [[https://pclosmag.com/html/Issues/202010/page02.html|https://pclosmag.com/html/Issues/202010/page02.html]]