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user:jakinn23 [2024/10/04 23:17] – Automatic creation by User Homepage plugin jakinn23user:jakinn23 [2024/10/04 23:18] (current) jakinn23
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 ====== Jay K (jakinn23) - Public Page ====== ====== Jay K (jakinn23) - Public Page ======
-This public page ''//user:jakinn23.txt//'', as stated by it's name,  **can be read by anyone but only you can edit it** (or a superuser)... + 
-  * You can introduce yourself, add links to your contributions in this wiki, tell a story or present your other works +This public page ''//user:jakinn23.txt//'', as stated by it's name, **can be read by anyone but only you can edit it** (or a superuser) 
-  * Think about [[wp>http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Etiquette_in_technology|netiquette]] ;-)+ 
 +   * You can introduce yourself, add links to your contributions in this wiki, tell a story or present your other works 
 +  * Think about [[wp>en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Etiquette_in_technology|netiquette]] ;-) 
 Limitations: Limitations:
   * You shouldn't create any other page in that namespace ''//user:jakinn23//''   * You shouldn't create any other page in that namespace ''//user:jakinn23//''
-  * Only a superuser can add a picture+  * Only a superuser can add art and fancy gizmos
-Feel free to remove this paragraph (beside the title)...\\ 
-Now, write something! :-D