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user:grahamperrin [2023/11/12 14:09] – Blurb, including a flashback to 2012 with a PowerPC iMac. grahamperrinuser:grahamperrin [2023/11/26 14:13] (current) – Avatars. Bunny rabbits. grahamperrin
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 Essentially: **KDE Plasma on FreeBSD-CURRENT** since around 2015. Essentially: **KDE Plasma on FreeBSD-CURRENT** since around 2015.
-I try to take a conscientious approach to security issues. CVD, responsible disclosure, and all that. [[https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2009-0014|CVE-2009-0014]] et cetera. Bill and Pickle were largely responsible for discovery of a security issue that involved a comedy of errors, and eventual discovery of an old "fixed" bug that's not //truly// fixed for many users of FreeBSD. Whilst I can't draw attention to the public comedy (it's not entirely amusing), //am// preparing to document the issue, and the cats' role.+I try to take a conscientious approach to security issues. CVD, responsible disclosure, and all that. [[https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2009-0014|CVE-2009-0014]] et cetera. 
 +Bill and Pickle were largely responsible for discovery of a security issue that involved a comedy of errors, and eventual discovery of an old "fixed" bug that's not //truly// fixed for many users of FreeBSD. Whilst I can't draw attention to the public comedy (it's not entirely amusing), here's a two-point overview: 
 +   - [[https://mastodon.bsd.cafe/@grahamperrin/111377465852217006|https://mastodon.bsd.cafe/@grahamperrin/111377465852217006]] 
 +  - [[https://mastodon.bsd.cafe/@grahamperrin/111421799789564704|https://mastodon.bsd.cafe/@grahamperrin/111421799789564704]] explaining the cats' role in discovery.
 Sidestep away from the cats. To me, and where I hang out: Sidestep away from the cats. To me, and where I hang out:
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   * [[https://mastodon.bsd.cafe/@grahamperrin|https://mastodon.bsd.cafe/@grahamperrin ]]   * [[https://mastodon.bsd.cafe/@grahamperrin|https://mastodon.bsd.cafe/@grahamperrin ]]
   * [[https://hear-me.social/@grahamperrin|https://hear-me.social/@grahamperrin ]]   * [[https://hear-me.social/@grahamperrin|https://hear-me.social/@grahamperrin ]]
-  * [[https://forums.freebsd.org/members/grahamperrin.35084/#about|my profile at The FreeBSD Forums ]] – access restricted (not by me), it'largely a duplicate of what's above.+  * [[https://forums.freebsd.org/members/grahamperrin.35084/#about|my profile at The FreeBSD Forums ]] – access restricted (not by me), it'not significantly different from what's above.
 I'm dyslexic, reportedly. It probably doesn't show in my writing. Long story. I'm dyslexic, reportedly. It probably doesn't show in my writing. Long story.
-I became a [[https://www.freebsd.org/news/newsflash/#2022-06-01:1|FreeBSD committer in June 2022]], resigned after fourteen months. [[https://freshbsd.org/freebsd?committer[]=Graham+Perrin+(grahamperrin)|162 commits across three FreeBSD trees]] (137 doc + 5 ports + 20 src).+I became a [[https://www.freebsd.org/news/newsflash/#2022-06-01:1|FreeBSD committer in June 2022]], resigned after thirteen months. 13, unlucky for some. [[https://freshbsd.org/freebsd?committer[]=Graham+Perrin+(grahamperrin)|162 commits across three trees]] (137 ''doc''  + 5 ''ports''  + 20 ''src'').
 ---- ----
-Avatar (in [[https://codeberg.org/grahamperrin/|Codeberg]], [[https://github.com/grahamperrin/| GitHub]], The FreeBSD Forums and so on): from the cover of [[https://sciencefictionruminations.com/2014/07/19/book-review-the-worlds-of-frank-herbert-frank-herbert-1970/|the 1970 edition of]]// The Worlds of Frank Herbert//  (credit: Jan Parker).+Avatar in places such as [[https://codeberg.org/grahamperrin/|Codeberg]]: from the cover of [[https://sciencefictionruminations.com/2014/07/19/book-review-the-worlds-of-frank-herbert-frank-herbert-1970/|the 1970 edition of]]// The Worlds of Frank Herbert//  (credit: Jan Parker). If you're vaguely disconcerted by detached heads and shoulders in a serene alien landscape, you should tremble in fear at [[https://social.jvns.ca/@b0rk/111460966674032287|the detached head]] sometimes encountered by people like me on planet Earth. 
 +Mugshot in places such as [[https://gitlab.com/grahamperrin|GitLab]]: from a 2018 holiday in Greece. 
 +Avatar in places such as [[https://github.com/grahamperrin|GitHub]], The FreeBSD Forums, and BSD Cafe: [[https://www.flickr.com/photos/forestservicenw/23273672529/|a bunny rabbit]]. Partly because it's less confusing than a 1970 vision of a faraway planet, but more because: 
 +  * bunny rabbits.
-Mugshot (in [[https://gitlab.com/grahamperrin|GitLab]])from a 2018 holiday in Greece.+Think about themThinkbunny rabbits. Feel better? I do.