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user:chrism [2024/08/14 04:24] – Automatic creation by User Homepage plugin chrismuser:chrism [2024/11/15 06:20] (current) chrism
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 ====== Chris Medlock (chrism) - Public Page ====== ====== Chris Medlock (chrism) - Public Page ======
-This public page ''//user:chrism.txt//'', as stated by it's name,  **can be read by anyone but only you can edit it** (or a superuser)... 
-  * You can introduce yourself, add links to your contributions in this wiki, tell a story or present your other works 
-  * Think about [[wp>http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Etiquette_in_technology|netiquette]] ;-) 
-  * You shouldn't create any other page in that namespace ''//user:chrism//'' 
-  * Only a superuser can add a picture 
-Feel free to remove this paragraph (beside the title)...\\ +Hello there! 
-Nowwrite something! :-D+ 
 +I am a retired Systems Engineer. 
 +I have an honours degree (BSc) in [[https://www.theorsociety.com/about-or/|Operational Research]] & Computing and have spent most of my working life in IT. 
 +I live in Bangkok with my lovely wife, a 5 year-old nephew, and an adopted black Soi cat. 
 +My interests:
 +  * Archery (mostly the English longbow these days) 
 +  * Backgammon / [[https://royalur.net/rules|The Royal Game of Ur]] 
 +  * Cosmology (Astrophysics, maths, physics) 
 +  * Flying (particularly aerobatics - I am a fully qualified pilot (PPL)) 
 +  * IT (still like to "keep my hand in") 
 +  * Slide rules (I use one almost daily) 
 +  * Watercolour painting 
 +I am currently into algorithmic trading. 
 +I use the following systems:- 
 +  * Laptop - [[https://www.freebsd.org/|FreeBSD]] + [[https://i3wm.org/|i3]] 
 +  * Desktops - [[https://www.freebsd.org/|FreeBSD]] + [[https://i3wm.org/|i3]] 
 +  * Home server - [[https://www.freebsd.org/|FreeBSD]] + [[https://wiki.freebsd.org/bhyve|Bhyve]] for VMs 
 +  * Playground/lab - [[https://www.arduino.cc/|Arduino]][[https://www.raspberrypi.org/|Raspberry Pi]] 
 +Yes, I like FreeBSD=) 
 +**Special thanks**  to the [[https://wiki.bsd.cafe|bsd.cafe]] team in allowing me here. 
 +**Finally**, I would like to close by **thanking my lovely wife**. Who, despite the years, still "puts-up" with me, and, without whom, I would be **totally lost**!