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docs:weekly-bsdpub-meeting-minutes-2024-05-16 [2024/05/19 08:08] – created gyptazydocs:weekly-bsdpub-meeting-minutes-2024-05-16 [2024/05/23 15:19] (current) gyptazy
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 ==== Agenda ==== ==== Agenda ====
-Freeway presentation (by Hiway) [postponed to 2024-05-23]\\+Freedive presentation (by Hiway) [postponed to 2024-05-23]\\
 * Pubstyle Meeting * Pubstyle Meeting
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 * BSDCafe Services in general\\ * BSDCafe Services in general\\
 * Backup solutions and importance of service (A few participants gave insights in their backup solutions)\\ * Backup solutions and importance of service (A few participants gave insights in their backup solutions)\\
-=> Next call we will focus on backup solutions+⇒ Next call we will focus on backup solutions