====== Graham Perrin (grahamperrin) ====== I have [[https://wiki.freebsd.org/Community/Cats#grahamperrin|two cats]] – Bill and Pickle. Crushingly dull obligatory tech history follows. Former Mac user (1992–2014; AppleSeed programme member 2009–2014). The GUI of OS X 10.10 //Yosemite// drove me away from Apple. I gradually switched from OS X 10.9.5 //Mavericks// to PC-BSD. Then TrueOS, then FreeBSD-CURRENT. In the midst of all that, something with FreeBSD in September 2012 … probably toying with [[https://web.archive.org/web/20120923043805/http://www.freebsd.org/platforms/ppc.html|9.0 on a PowerPC iMac]] with failing graphics hardware. Not because I was a glutton for punishment (like, the horror of a command-line loader, and the certainty that hardware was failing) – because there was nothing good to be done with the Mac, and I was curious about non-Apple alternatives to Microsoft Windows. Essentially: **KDE Plasma on FreeBSD-CURRENT** since around 2015. I try to take a conscientious approach to security issues. CVD, responsible disclosure, and all that. [[https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2009-0014|CVE-2009-0014]] et cetera. Bill and Pickle were largely responsible for discovery of a security issue that involved a comedy of errors, and eventual discovery of an old "fixed" bug that's not //truly// fixed for many users of FreeBSD. Whilst I can't draw attention to the public comedy (it's not entirely amusing), here's a two-point overview: - [[https://mastodon.bsd.cafe/@grahamperrin/111377465852217006|https://mastodon.bsd.cafe/@grahamperrin/111377465852217006]] - [[https://mastodon.bsd.cafe/@grahamperrin/111421799789564704|https://mastodon.bsd.cafe/@grahamperrin/111421799789564704]] explaining the cats' role in discovery. Sidestep away from the cats. To me, and where I hang out: * [[https://matrix.to/#/@grahamperrin:matrix.org|https://matrix.to/#/@grahamperrin:matrix.org ]] * [[https://matrix.to/#/#bsdcafe:bsd.cafe|https://matrix.to/#/#bsdcafe:bsd.cafe ]] * [[https://mastodon.bsd.cafe/@grahamperrin|https://mastodon.bsd.cafe/@grahamperrin ]] * [[https://hear-me.social/@grahamperrin|https://hear-me.social/@grahamperrin ]] * [[https://forums.freebsd.org/members/grahamperrin.35084/#about|my profile at The FreeBSD Forums ]] – access restricted (not by me), it's not significantly different from what's above. I'm dyslexic, reportedly. It probably doesn't show in my writing. Long story. I became a [[https://www.freebsd.org/news/newsflash/#2022-06-01:1|FreeBSD committer in June 2022]], resigned after thirteen months. 13, unlucky for some. [[https://freshbsd.org/freebsd?committer[]=Graham+Perrin+(grahamperrin)|162 commits across three trees]] (137 ''doc'' + 5 ''ports'' + 20 ''src''). ---- Avatar in places such as [[https://codeberg.org/grahamperrin/|Codeberg]]: from the cover of [[https://sciencefictionruminations.com/2014/07/19/book-review-the-worlds-of-frank-herbert-frank-herbert-1970/|the 1970 edition of]]// The Worlds of Frank Herbert// (credit: Jan Parker). If you're vaguely disconcerted by detached heads and shoulders in a serene alien landscape, you should tremble in fear at [[https://social.jvns.ca/@b0rk/111460966674032287|the detached head]] sometimes encountered by people like me on planet Earth. Mugshot in places such as [[https://gitlab.com/grahamperrin|GitLab]]: from a 2018 holiday in Greece. Avatar in places such as [[https://github.com/grahamperrin|GitHub]], The FreeBSD Forums, and BSD Cafe: [[https://www.flickr.com/photos/forestservicenw/23273672529/|a bunny rabbit]]. Partly because it's less confusing than a 1970 vision of a faraway planet, but more because: * bunny rabbits. Think about them. Think: bunny rabbits. Feel better? I do.