====== Chris Medlock (chrism) - Public Page ====== Hello there! I am a retired Systems Engineer. Graduated with an honours degree (BSc) in [[https://www.theorsociety.com/about-or/|Operational Research]] & Computing, I spent most of my working life in IT (financial sector and later with an ISP). Currently live in Bangkok with my lovely wife, a 5 year-old nephew, and an adopted black Soi cat. My interests:- * Archery (mostly the English longbow these days) * Backgammon / [[https://royalur.net/rules|The Royal Game of Ur]] * Cosmology (Astrophysics, maths, physics) * Flying (particularly aerobatics) * Slide rules (I use one almost daily) * Watercolour painting I am currently working on algorithmic trading systems using python and machine learning. I use the following systems:- * Laptop - [[https://www.freebsd.org/|FreeBSD]] + [[https://fastestcode.org/emwm.html|EMWM]] (Enhanced Motif Windows Manager) - main **workhorse**, and trusty machine!{{https://wiki.bsd.cafe/lib/plugins/ckgedit/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/heart.png?nolink&22x22|heart}}=) * Desktops - [[https://www.freebsd.org/|FreeBSD]] + [[https://i3wm.org/|i3]] * Home server - [[https://www.freebsd.org/|FreeBSD]] + [[https://wiki.freebsd.org/bhyve|Bhyve]] for VMs * Playground/lab - [[https://www.arduino.cc/|Arduino]], [[https://www.raspberrypi.org/|Raspberry Pi]] Yes, I like FreeBSD! =) **Special thanks** to the [[https://wiki.bsd.cafe|bsd.cafe]] team in allowing me here. **Finally**, I would like to close by **thanking my lovely wife**. Who, despite the years, still "puts-up" with me, and, without whom, I would be **totally lost**!