==== Introduction ==== ==== General ==== **Meeting**: BSD Pub\\ **Date**: 2024-06-06 This site represents the upcoming agenda for topics we want to discuss in the next upcoming and related meeting. Everyone may add additional topics here that may matter to be discussed within the group. Meeting minutes (if valuable) will be added after the meeting. ==== Agenda ==== * No specific agenda ==== Meeting Minutes ==== * General discussion about [[https://freebsdfoundation.org/mike_karels/|the sad departure of Mike Karels]]. * Attendees shared insights about their first FreeBSD 14.1-RELEASE upgrades. Stefano encountered a problem with one of his personal servers, which was due to a mixed environment (for unknown reasons, some files were still at 13.2-RELEASE). * Hiway provided an update on [[https://brew.bsd.cafe/hiway/freedive|Freedive]] development, which has been partially interrupted due to a series of issues with broken hardware. * Lovis IX announced the creation of the [[https://brew.bsd.cafe/lovis_ix/Pilldroid|Pilldroid]] repository on the [[https://brew.bsd.cafe/|BSD Cafe Brew]] service. He requested everyone to find the local database of medicines to extend support to other countries. * There was a discussion about licenses, particularly GPL and BSD. An interesting idea was proposed: the BSD license can attract more startups as they can immediately use BSD-licensed software for their products without being forced to contribute back. This is appealing, especially for young and inexperienced startups. * Inspired by subnetspider's idea, attendees agreed that fighting over software, especially Open Source, is pointless. Open Source provides opportunities and choices, and we should appreciate all the options available instead of fighting for the supremacy of one solution over others. * Stefano announced plans to upgrade the BSD Cafe servers to 14.1-RELEASE. Attendees requested this be done live, possibly during a BSD Pub call. Stefano agreed, so this will happen during one of the next BSD Pub meetings. * The meeting concluded at 20:15 as some attendees had to leave.